Integration Platform - North Star Vision
Boomi is a low-code integration cloud software that has grown over the years through acquisitions of other applications bolted onto the main integration application. The north star project was a chance to take a step back and explore where we wanted the platform to go. Our CPO unveiled the resulting prototype at the company’s annual user conference in his keynote presentation. I was the lead designer on this project, working together with another designer and ux researcher.
Platform Welcome Page
One of the critical paradigm shifts we wanted to make was to switch from starting with the application to starting with the business goal you want to accomplish. That business goal becomes a project that may use one or more applications in the platform.
Create a New Project Wizard
By using the data from similar integration projects across all of our customers and data from integration projects at the user’s company, we can leverage AI/ML to offer best practice guidance and tailored recommendations.

Instead of sorting through a list of all possible systems to connect to we pre filter the choices based on the type of project.

A large part of this project was to show the future platform as enterprise-ready. On enterprise integration teams projects can often be worked on by several specialists so support for collaboration is crucial.

The platform is aware that an employee hub already exist and offers the option to connect to it instead of building a duplicate.
Reimagined Build Canvas
The new build canvas allowed you to see and jump into the different applications used in a project. The interfaces for each application were redesigned to all use the same typography, color palette, and icon style.


Master Data Hub

Design Process