AI/ML in Healthcare Communications

This was one of those projects where you are building the bus while driving it. At the start project, I was told by the PM that engineers were scheduled to start working on this in a month, and I just needed to make a few updates. After reviewing the wireframes, I realized there was no way I could let this project get handed off as is. I worked out a plan with the PM to divide the project into 3 parts. By delivering the design in phases, engineers had designs to start working on, and I had time to redesign.

Dashboard of Campaigns

I removed an unnecessarily complex chart from this page and brought the most important metrics to the top of the page. I further simplified the interactions by switching to page scroll for browsing instead of a bunch of carousels.

Learn & Setup

I redesigned this page to focus on what an HR leader would want to know about a campaign on the first tab and moved member details to the second tab. Machine learning is used to identify members that can be addressed with a campaign.

Monitor Campaign

From speaking with HR leaders, we found that one of the needs for this project was to produce printable reports for campaigns. This guided the design toward surfacing metrics in simple graphs that can tell the story of how the campaign is doing without needing to fuss with a bunch of filters.


Integration Platform


Component Versioning for Deployment