Component Versioning for Deployment

I was the third designer to work on this project. The first designer started the project but left the company before finishing it. A second designer brought the project to a limited beta release. The feedback wasn’t great with the beta release. My task was to make minor updates to get it ready for general release. What I ended up doing was redesigning the entire flow because the issues were more than just page-level problems.

There’s No Place Like Home

A major change I pushed for was to have a home for all your package components. Previously there was no place to see all your versioned components which made managing them very difficult.

Package & Deploy

In the beta release, a user was presented with an dropdown menu that offered 2 choices:

  1. Package

  2. Package & Deploy

In my redesign, I only needed one primary action because I added the deployment flow as an option at the end of the package flow.

Stay in the Flow

Another major improvement was to bring all the information a user might need when selecting a component into the flow.

Compare Versions

One of the biggest requests after the beta release was to add the ability to compare package versions when deploying.


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